coffee table 48 x 48

Results (1)

Tanner Coffee Table, Antique Brass~P77606245


Tanner Coffee Table, Antique Brass


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Enhance Your Living Space with These Additions

Add a Touch of Green

Plants can enhance any room, and your coffee table 48 x 48 is no exception. Discover our elegant planters and garden accessories to bring a touch of nature indoors. Shop Planters & Garden Accessories

Utilitarian Beauty with Trays

Combine functionality with aesthetic appeal by adding decorative trays to your coffee table. They are perfect for organizing and displaying items beautifully. Explore Trays & Boxes

Luxurious Throws for Coziness

Drape a throw over the arm of your sofa for an added layer of comfort and style. Explore our collection of decorative throws to find the perfect match. Shop Decorative Throws

Personal Touch with Picture Frames

Personalize your space by displaying cherished memories in stylish picture frames. Place them on your coffee table for that added personal touch. Browse Picture Frames